
Here you will find services that provide a delivery address in France and forward the package to Poland, to the address you specify. When shopping in France, you provide our address in France, in Strasbourg, as the delivery address. The package is delivered to our warehouse in Strasbourg. As soon as we receive your package, we immediately send it by German courier to Poland, to your address or to a parcel locker. Thanks to us, you can save on shipping costs. Thanks to us, you can also shop with sellers who do not offer shipping to Poland.

Purchase one of these services - choose the appropriate weight. If you are not sure how much your package will weigh, don't worry. If it is heavier, you can pay the difference later.

After subscribing to and paying for the service, you will receive an email from us with a PDF attachment. This attachment will contain the address where you can send your packages in France.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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